About Us
Image Science Associates, LLC (ISA) was founded by Don Williams in 2006 after a career at Kodak interfacing with the digital image archiving industry. Since founding ISA, his mission has been to educate the industry on the protocols, tools and best practices used to evaluate digital image quality.
His success in evangelizing was demonstrated by one industry insider who said, Our agencies don't always talk to each other, but everyone talks to Don Williams. ISA's involvement with the archiving industry since our inception allows us to ensure conformance and best practices throughout the industry.
Our team of imaging scientists and engineers specializes in integrating image quality targets and analysis software into a cohesive package. We've leveraged decades of cumulative experience in a wide range of imaging applications to develop the most useful and usable tools available. They are at your disposal during our semimonthly informational Webinars.
Our customers are represented throughout the industryfrom library collection owners and university digital labs such as Cornell University to system manufacturers such as Kirtas Technologies.
ISAs standing as an industry leader means you have a capable partner who truly understands and can deliver.