- Operating System: Windows (64 bit) 7 SP1, 8.1, 10, Windows Server (64 bit) 2012 R2, 2008 R2 (SP1 version, Refer to Microsoft KB3033929 for more information)
- Processor: Intel i5 equivalent or higher recommended
- RAM: At least 4 times the analysis image size (in addition to other system memory needed)
- RAM Example: if system needs are 8 GB and the analysis images are roughly 2 GB, then recommended minimum RAM is 8GB (system) + 2GB*4 (image) = 16GB
- Screen Resolution: 1200 W x 800 H
- Disk Space: At least 2GB (not including space for analysis images)
Features are:
- Full scale tone, white balance, and color correction
- Uses ISA's Device and Object level GoldenThread for certified corrections
- Bundled GUI and command-line versions
- MetaData preservation with optional dpi correction
- 16/16, 16/8, and 8/8 bit supported processing
- TIFF and JPEG supported formats
- Batch folder processing with or w/o operator intervention
- Perfect for creating derivatives from master files
- Black or white background cropping with user selectable crop margins
- Proven 95-98% success rates