Our business leverages the expertise and experience of proven industry leaders. Weve partnered with these institutions and companies to design the highest-quality, most robust products and services in the industry.

AC&C Photo Scanner Systems
AC&C offers GoldenThread along with their AC&C Photo Scanner Systems based on Phase One cameras provide a completely integrated scanning solutions. More then twenty major Cultural Heritage Institutions including National Library in Warsaw, Pontifical University oh John Poul II in Cracow, Royal Castle in Warsaw, National Digital Archive in Warsaw, National Museums in Cracow, Gdansk, Lublin, Szczecin and Warsaw use Golden Thread targets and systems to control quality of digitization projects.

Digital Transitions
The Division of Cultural Heritage of Digital Transitions helps museums, institutions and libraries translate their existing collection-based materials into valuable digital assets. Digital Transitions offers GoldenThread along with their Reprographic Systems to provide a completely integrated imaging package.

Precision Optical Imaging
Precision Optical Imaging provides high quality imaging targets to the optics and photographic industry. POI has added GoldenThread to their extensive line of targets to provide a more comprehensive set of solutions to their customers.

To achieve the most exacting requirements for our color accuracy, we teamed up with X-Rite to provide our color patches. This has allowed us to provide our customers with a color analysis target that matches the best in the industry. Proven attention to detail and strict quality control ensures our confidence in using X-Rite's Munsell color patches in our products.

DTEK Systems
DTEK are a valued added supplier of high end digital camera equipment from Phase One.

Edmund Optics
Edmund Optics offers the worlds largest inventory of off-the-shelf precision optics and optical components ranging from achromats and aspheres to filters and prisms.

National Instruments
LabVIEW software has a powerful, integrated image analysis library that enables computationally intensive analyses included in GoldenThread. Graphical interface tools and functions to communicate with Microsoft programs such as Excel and Access allow us to harness the power of LabVIEW into a robust, user-friendly, and widely utilized program.